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Botany, LLC


Grass & Sedge Identification
(1.06 equivalent semester hours approved for PWS)

Hotel Meeting in N. Tampa
Location will be announced soon 

November 6-7, 2024 

There are a few seats available


Workshop Descriptions

Grass & Sedge Workshop

Approved for 1.06 equivalent semester hours for PWS certification or recertification.

($415 or $380 for SWS, FAEP members, or government)

Classroom portion

This workshop includes classroom training using interactive power point presentations, live and pressed and specimens using magnification.  The classroom training stresses differences between families, tribes and major genera based on classification and morphological features.


For all plants reviewed we explain how to use various taxonomic keys and utilize these to determine species level identification of live and pressed specimens.  As much as possible our emphasis is focused on vegetative characteristics.  We emphasize differences between exotic and native look-a-like species. We encourage and highlight important botanical terminology necessary for successful use of keys along with a glossary that is provided to assist in identification.  Reference collections will be available for review and keys specific for each class developed by the instructor will be provided to the students.


Field portion

The field identification portion of the class will take place in several community types.  A listing of plant species including the four state and federal indicator category classes will be provided in advance.  The participant will use techniques learned in the classroom to identify plants under the guidance of the instructor.  Participants will learn the most commonly encountered indicator plants for the region including common, rare, invasive and exotic species that are important in wetland delineation, restoration and habitat management.


 Who Should Attend?

Environmental consultants, landscape architects, regulatory, private practitioners and governmental agency professionals involved in wetland delineation, and land management specialists including aquatic maintenance, conservation and/or restoration professionals.

                Florida Wetland Delineation Works______  

            See Richardson soils for WD Workshop

Approved for 1.33 equivalent semester hours for PWS certification or recertification.

This is a comprehensive 2 1/2 day (20 hour) course focusing on all parameters of the State of Florida wetland and surface water delineation methodology. 

($695 or $670 for SWS, FAEP members, or government)


 This comprehensive 21/2 day (20 hour) course focuses on all parameters of the state wetland and surface water delineation methodology. Participants will be taught criteria listed in Ch 62-340 Florida Administrative Code to accurately define and defend their wetland delineations. Hydric soils, common wetland and transitional vegetation, and hydrologic indicators will be taught. The instruction will be conducted during field exercises following recommended CDC guidelines. Participants will be required to work through the state wetland data form and adequately document field sites. Following this workshop participants are expected to have the skills to delineate up to moderately difficult wetlands.  Part of the field exercises,  instructors will discuss results and answer questions by participants regarding all aspects of their experience, review participants lines and check their data forms.  Approved for 1.33 equivalent semester hours for PWS certification or recertification.


     Society of Wetland Scientists PCP Provider: CEU's will be provided 1.33 credit hours
for a typical agenda see the website
                         RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW

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Southeastern Botany, LLC provides botanical consulting services and plant identification workshops throughout Florida and soon to adjoining states. Our services include vegetation monitoring, botanical inventories that can include rare and invasive plants, plant community mapping, floristic quality assessments,wetland delineation workshops, management plans and plant identification workshops. Group courses that meet the needs of your organization can be arranged in your area.

We are dedicated to preparing natural resource professionals with a strong working knowledge of the regional flora, understanding that correctly identifying plants, invasives, grasses and sedges is a necessary component of jurisdictional wetland delineation, habitat management and restoration. We provide CEU certificates. 


Christina M. Uranowski, President

M.S. Botany, Professional Wetland Scientist #1720,
completed her Master of Science degree in Botany at the University of South Florida and holds a Bachelor degree in Biology. Her resume includes over 32 years experience working in Florida’s coastal and freshwater wetlands that includes wetland regulation, exotic mapping and removal, seagrass mapping, algal identification,  permitting and restoration, wetland delineation, functional and floristic assessment, wetland plant and grass and sedge  identification, minimum flows and levels for wetlands and lakes, and plant physiology. She has worked as a researcher, consultant, and trainer for academia, private industry, government agencies, and as an instructor for Richard Chinn Environmental Training Inc.  Much of Christina’s research is published in several peer reviewed scientific journals. Christina has taught grass identification and wetland plant classes for over 15 years. She was principal investigator and first author of the Florida Riverine Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) methodology for measuring wetland functions, and assisted in the development of the Florida depressional wetlands HGM methodology.  Both were published as national technical documen
ts by the US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station.  From 2011 through 2013 she was President of the South Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists.

Travis Richardson,

M.S., Professional Soil Scientist, founder of TRichardson Soils and Environmental, LLC.  Travis is an expert soil and wetland scientist with more than 17 years of experience developing an understanding of the relationship among soil characteristics, hydrology, and vegetation. He has extensive experience implementing Ch 62-340 Florida Administrative Code to delineate the landward extent of wetlands and surface waters, including areas with substantial mechanical and/or hydrologic alterations. Richardson has experience establishing Minimum Flows and Levels, permitting environmental resource impacts, developing and implementing wetland mitigation plans, evaluating wetland functional value (UMAM/WRAP), and completed soil and vegetation monitoring.

Richardson Soils and Environmental utilizes Richardson’s expertise to provide efficient and accurate assessments for clients. T. Richardson Soils and Environmental focuses on hydric soil determinations, soil classification, wetland delineation, forensic wetland assessments, mitigation, soil and wetland monitoring, environmental resource permitting, and onsite sewage and treatment disposal system design and permitting. specializing in wetland delineation, hydric soil training, field investigations, and permit facilitation.

Chrissy Carr,

M.S. Soil & Water, P.W.S. #3079,

a Florida native and Senior Wetland Scientist with Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.  She is a Professional Wetland Scientist, licensed Water Well Contractor, and Certified Environmental Health Professional. Carr is an expert wetland scientist with more than 16 years of experience working with the Florida community to protect water resources. She has extensive experience following Ch 62-340,Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) to delineate the landward extent of wetlands and surface waters, Ch 62-330, F.A.C. for Environmental Resource Permitting, 62-531, F.A.C. for water well drilling, and Ch 373, Florida Statute for water use permitting. Carr has experience permitting environmental resource impacts, permitting consumptive uses of water, developing and implementing wetland mitigation plans, evaluating wetland functional value (UMAM), completing monitoring for soil, vegetation, and water quality, drilling shallow wells for livestock, irrigation, or monitoring use.



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